Tuesday, 28 August 2007

Itchy feet

The feet, they are itching. Muchly.

I have been planning my temporary escape for a couple of years now. This takes place most frequently on a Monday, post holidays or after a bad day.

It is however, going to happen. Not this winter but next.

Not sure how, what or where but I am loving the ideas I am stumbling across.


Nothing to see here

I have been staying in. A lot.
August here is pants. Too many tourists, no parking, shit service in restaurants and pubs...if you can even get a table to start with. No locals around as they are all on holiday/out at sea, sticky hot weather and general rubbishness. In other words, August is shite.

It seems though, that the less I go out, the less I have to write about. I suppose that makes sense.

In top of this, there have been some ex issues I have been dealing with. Some call it closure although I'm not sure what that is supposed to mean. More about that at a later date......

The more that is going on in my mind of a personal nature, the less inclined I am to write.
The same goes for when there is little in my social life of note.

September is nearly here. Issues are being dealt with and normal levels of activity will be restored shortly.

Friday, 17 August 2007

Sense of humour failure

Call it what you like - black clouds, holiday blues, navel-gazing, fed up....Lordy...even PMT dammit.

Either way, I have been in a fucking dark mood since last Monday. I imagine it's part over-doing it last Saturday night, part ex-boyfriend issues.

Yesterday, normal service was resumed.

Today, it seems that was only a temporary show of normality. It has clouded over again.
Most of all, I am feeling VERY anti-social which is most unlike me.

What is going on?

Thursday, 16 August 2007

Badger is....

Is it normal that I want to write texts in Facebook speak, even to the mum?

Badger is glad that mum had a safe trip home and she was pleased to see her.

No. No. No.

Monday, 13 August 2007

Practically invisible

So elusive in fact, that I haven't written anything for ages....

I have been on holiday though and with the mum being the only source of computer for a couple of days, I was loathe to log in. She's incredibly nosey and is far too intrigues about blogging since I explained what one was. Oh yes, and the fact that I have one....oops. Schoolgirl error.

Much to write but am on day 2 of what seems to be a 2 day hangover. Not good. I am so elderly.

I also have come back to a mountain of work and had the work dread feeling of doom this morning.

On the flip side, Wednesday is a bank holiday which I am overjoyed about.

Wednesday, 1 August 2007


I am apparently.

Main Entry: elu·sive Pronunciation: E-'-siv, -'-zivFunction: adjective: tending to elude: as a : tending to evade grasp or pursuit b : hard to comprehend or define c : hard to isolate or identify

I think I like the sound of that.

However some of the synonyms were not so flattering. Slippery to name one.