Friday, 15 June 2007

Under the weather


It's Friday night and after a quiet week by my standards, I should under normal circumstances, feel ready to rock.

I am not.

The Hot Aussie texted and wants to hook up for a few scoops after work, along with the sister and another guy. Under normal circumstances, this would be excellent news.

My illness, although mild, is constantly evolving and I feel Rubbish. The dizziness and scratchy throat had evolved into an itchy cough, slight feverishness and nausea. My internal thermostat is broken and I feel very moany.

I am unlikely to do myself any favours by going out as my seemingly vacuous brain will have nothing to say for itself.

However, I am going to pop a couple of pills and hope for the best. You never know, I might be able to spritzer my way through it.....and as a former colleague of mine once said,

"If I'm well enough to work, I'm well enough to go to the pub."

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