Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Instant effects

Wow! Even writing that last post made me think of eating. Just ate an almond square - think Bakewell tart - while in the kitchen making coffee for a client. Now these I LOVE!
Just hope I don't eat any more...

I also have that Fuck-it thing going on in my head as I've ruined today eating-wise so badly already. I need to get back in control, change the fuck-it mentality and stop this bloatedness.

Normally I can be good Monday to Friday and then binge all weekend. This week I have been bingeing on some level, every day.
We don't keep junk in the house (I'm blessed with a boyfriend who is not interested in snacking or junk) so hopefully I can rein it in tonight, jump on our cross trainer in the am and get back on track. Tomorrow lunch involves wine and a big meal out though, so I don't hold out much hope.

On a positive note I have already done two boxercise classes and a pilates session since Monday, although I cancelled my run this morning as my legs are so stiff from the boxing - squats and lunges. The Pilates session should be enough to scare me as it's done in front of a mirror. I'm pretty sure I can't do one of the exercises because my stomach gets in the way and normally the only other two people who can't do this are geriatrics.....
Enough said.

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