Wednesday, 16 May 2007


Following the stress and frustration of luggage-gate, followed by one night sleep-free thanks to an all night burglar alarm, I started to feel decidedly run down and fed-up.

Of course, two very boozy four day weekends didn't help. I don't think. I could be wrong.

Now after a record two days off the piss, I am not feeling much better. However I am going to push on through and visit the pub after work.
Despite feeling queasy, headachy and grumpy - it is a must. For it is a bank holiday tomorrow and as we all know, it is essential to drink the night before and even on, a bank holiday.

So in about an hour, I will be making a beeline for the boozer and forcing a couple of swift drinks down. Just a couple mind for fear of getting drunkety drunk. No-one would want that.....

I will let you know how I get on....

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