Wednesday, 19 May 2010


The weekend's activities saw a high of 85kg's on Monday morning, which is back down to 84kg this morning. I'm feeling fairly virtuous and haven't been craving sugar too badly - Day 4.

I'm off to a quay party tonight, not to be confused with a key party. My friend is a deckhand on a yacht and he's having a bbq to celebrate his birthday on the quay with the rest of his crew and a few friends.
I'm going to try and avoid alcohol and I should be able to handle the bbq ok. That said, I'm starving right now so I hope there are some healthier options.

Other news to note - I have just pulled out 6 grey hairs with tweezers in the work bathroom. The light is great for it! I'm sure I'm not supposed to pull them out for some grow-two-back-myth but to be honest, I don't get that many and I'm just glad I didn't get caught in our unisex toilet!

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