Tuesday, 18 May 2010

The power of the carb.

My worst fears were true last night and my house guests cooked veggie lasagne, wedges and made a mixed salad.
I tried not to overindulge and it was delicious but I am left feeling bloated, queasy and like I've fallen off the wagon this morning. Pasta in the evening always bloats me and as well as being a binge food/trigger, it just seems to make my digestion sluggish, so I try and avoid it altogether.
The positive side of this was that the carbs made me run my 7km this morning filled with energy. I honestly felt like I could do the whole 7km's again which bodes well for the fact I'm training to do 21km....

My ash cloud refugees have now left (by car!) and I'm left with an empty (if not somewhat grubby) flat and no temptation. Time to reign it back in.

I plan to eat healthily, do plenty of exercise, avoid sugar and stay off the booze until the Saturday wedding. The scary news is that there is something wrong with the car, so if the ash cloud returns, I'll not be able to drive to Calais as outlined in my contingency plan. I'm hoping that by having a contingency plan, I'll not need it - isn't that the way that it works??
I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

As well as running the 7km this morning, I'm going to boxercise after work today to make up for the fact it was cancelled yesterday. As soon as I get my apartment back into order, I want to get going with a whittle my middle/30 day shred kind of plan. I have the dvd, the weights and the knowledge of the abs exercises, I just need to start doing something about it......

Day 3 of no sugar :)

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