Thursday, 17 June 2010

The Sugar monster

I have only had one day of clean eating this week :(

My days seem to all include chocolate which is the only thing to blight my otherwise virtuous eating. But not just one chocolate or one bar it seems. Ugg.

Sugar IS the thing I need to give up most and I have done it before and seen results. It really is time to do it again.
Perhaps if I could allow myself one sweet treat a week....but I'm not sure that would work. I have a feeling I'm an all or nothing type.

Yesterday saw a crunchie and a small dairy milk thing, the day before saw two godiva bars which weren't even nice. Today I've eaten a whole mint chocolate dairy milk aero type bar. A BIG one. HUGE in fact.
I feel sick and disappointed but not surprised. Other than that, things started well and will continue well. I started the day off with a run, followed by soy yoghurt mixed with berries and oats. Four thin oatcakes with tomato for a snack then a turkey, humous, roast veg and spinach salad for lunch. Ok.....I may have overdone the humous...

I don't buy all of this chocolate (although I did yesterday), it is just in the office. Today I struggled all day with obsessive thoughts about the dairy milk mint bar. They would come and stay in my head for a while, then go away again. All day I've been congratulating myself how far through the day I've come without grabbing the bar. I got to 4pm - nearly the whole work day, then grabbed it and ate it hidden away. Disgusting.

Tonight I'll have a small omelette and salad, drink lots of water and deal with the sugar fall out.
Tomorrow I'll try again to have a sugar-free day.

This morning I was 83.5kg.

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Clean day

Well, there was just the one sadly but I'm hoping to keep the rest of the day (following a chocolate bar) on track. I'm pissed off with myself to say the least.

I had an ok w/e until Saturday night when I drank a lot of wine and gin and tonic. Sunday was a baby shower and saw all sorts of lovely things that I'm not supposed to eat, plus a fair amount of bubbles.

Yesterday I was wondering how much I want this. Life seems to be a constant uphill slog against my weight which never really moves more than a few kilos. I was so sure that this time, it would be different but already I'm stalling.
I really want this, it would mean a lot to be to be a healthy weight but my willpower falters (over sugary items and alcohol) way too often.

I was determined to eat clean yesterday as last week was fairly shocking. Yesterday was great foodwise, and this morning started off well until just now when I've eaten a fair amount of chocolate. If that can be the only slip-up for the week, I will be more than happy.

I have a healthy lunch ahead and am determined.

Friday, 11 June 2010

biscuits and control

I'm dead chuffed with my workouts for this week although my shin splints are giving me a bit of a problem running, I must admit.

I've done three bikini bootcamp sessions (1.5hours of circuit training, boxing, weights abs etc) and one 7km run in five days. I'm feeling great for it and very motivated for exercise.

Next week I need to go to the doctors to check out my shins (although I imagine he'll just tell me to rest) and also buy some new trainers as I'm sure they're not good enough for the amount of running I've been doing. Also, I've never had a problem with shin splints before either so that makes me suspicious that they've only come about since I've had these trainers.
My trainers were from an outlet in the States, on sale for $40. I didn't even buy them, a friend chose them for me so I guess I should really do some research and buy myself a pair. I'm thinking I should be spending upwards of €100 for a pair and with the insoles, they will hopefully help the shinsplints.

Anyway, my eating hasn't been marvellous and I'm struggling to have a clean day. This morning has seen a mini biscuit binge which I'm not proud off.
Am now working my way through a pile of cherries and feeling guilty about the biscuits but a little more satisfied generally.
I'm not sure the bottle of rosé last night helped matters either. It always makes me crave sugar the next day, although I'm pretty sure I sweated out all the toxins this morning.

I'm wondering if I'll ever be able to keep packets of biscuits or bars of chocolate in the house without feeling the compulsion to eat the lot. I'm thinking not. It's not something I ever have in the house for that reason but I'd love to have a bar of dark chocolate for those cravings.

Monday, 7 June 2010

Struggling again/moderation

84kg's this morning. I seem to be a bit stuck. It is still 5kg down from my highest but I haven't really budged in a while. The wedding was definitely a sticking point, and I had to fight back down to my weight before that (which I pretty much am now) but that was two week's ago.

My eating hasn't been great I must admit. I succumbed to a mini binge following the dietician appointment last week. (I'd stayed the same on her scales for the record, which she seemed happy with).
I ended up getting a smallish bit of banana cake and a brownie, then I had two crisp sandwiches before dinner of salmon and veg. Not devasting but not that great either.

The thing that I really need to work on (sugar is still a MAJOR issue for me) is being able to stop at one or two. For example, I didn't eat that much on Saturday - an omlette and some quinoa and roast veg. Then in the evening I was babysitting and was peckish and hadn't brought anything pre-prepared with me. The kids had these horrible french vanilla biscuits (les princes?) and instead of eating one or two out of desperation, I ate about 7, even though I don't really like them and wasn't THAT hungry. I only stopped because there was only two left...

Yesterday I indulged in pizza - only half but white flour all the same. It wasn't even that nice.
I also had a slice of bakery quiche as I was starving after going scuba diving. Again it was pretty tasteless.
Snacks during yesterday's picnic at Lac de St-Cassien were not soooo bad with crudites and houmous but there were also M & M's involved along the way, oh yes...and crisps. Ugg.

This morning I was still 84kg and was full of resolve on how to break through the next barrier. Then I got into work and there were some marzipan chocolates on the side. Instead of sampling the one, I have sneakily had about 8, on top of my breakfast.
I now feel sick and annoyed. Not a good start to the week.

Exercise-wise I only did two out of the four training runs for my half marathon. That said, I did a two hour bootcamp session plus 40 mins scuba diving (not sure that counts but what hey).
We have 15 weeks of training to go before the half marathon and the real training starts in the last 12 weeks if I'm following the Bupa schedule.
I'm off to bootcamp tonight, running tomorrow and will hopefully try and do something every day.