Monday, 7 June 2010

Struggling again/moderation

84kg's this morning. I seem to be a bit stuck. It is still 5kg down from my highest but I haven't really budged in a while. The wedding was definitely a sticking point, and I had to fight back down to my weight before that (which I pretty much am now) but that was two week's ago.

My eating hasn't been great I must admit. I succumbed to a mini binge following the dietician appointment last week. (I'd stayed the same on her scales for the record, which she seemed happy with).
I ended up getting a smallish bit of banana cake and a brownie, then I had two crisp sandwiches before dinner of salmon and veg. Not devasting but not that great either.

The thing that I really need to work on (sugar is still a MAJOR issue for me) is being able to stop at one or two. For example, I didn't eat that much on Saturday - an omlette and some quinoa and roast veg. Then in the evening I was babysitting and was peckish and hadn't brought anything pre-prepared with me. The kids had these horrible french vanilla biscuits (les princes?) and instead of eating one or two out of desperation, I ate about 7, even though I don't really like them and wasn't THAT hungry. I only stopped because there was only two left...

Yesterday I indulged in pizza - only half but white flour all the same. It wasn't even that nice.
I also had a slice of bakery quiche as I was starving after going scuba diving. Again it was pretty tasteless.
Snacks during yesterday's picnic at Lac de St-Cassien were not soooo bad with crudites and houmous but there were also M & M's involved along the way, oh yes...and crisps. Ugg.

This morning I was still 84kg and was full of resolve on how to break through the next barrier. Then I got into work and there were some marzipan chocolates on the side. Instead of sampling the one, I have sneakily had about 8, on top of my breakfast.
I now feel sick and annoyed. Not a good start to the week.

Exercise-wise I only did two out of the four training runs for my half marathon. That said, I did a two hour bootcamp session plus 40 mins scuba diving (not sure that counts but what hey).
We have 15 weeks of training to go before the half marathon and the real training starts in the last 12 weeks if I'm following the Bupa schedule.
I'm off to bootcamp tonight, running tomorrow and will hopefully try and do something every day.

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