Friday, 11 June 2010

biscuits and control

I'm dead chuffed with my workouts for this week although my shin splints are giving me a bit of a problem running, I must admit.

I've done three bikini bootcamp sessions (1.5hours of circuit training, boxing, weights abs etc) and one 7km run in five days. I'm feeling great for it and very motivated for exercise.

Next week I need to go to the doctors to check out my shins (although I imagine he'll just tell me to rest) and also buy some new trainers as I'm sure they're not good enough for the amount of running I've been doing. Also, I've never had a problem with shin splints before either so that makes me suspicious that they've only come about since I've had these trainers.
My trainers were from an outlet in the States, on sale for $40. I didn't even buy them, a friend chose them for me so I guess I should really do some research and buy myself a pair. I'm thinking I should be spending upwards of €100 for a pair and with the insoles, they will hopefully help the shinsplints.

Anyway, my eating hasn't been marvellous and I'm struggling to have a clean day. This morning has seen a mini biscuit binge which I'm not proud off.
Am now working my way through a pile of cherries and feeling guilty about the biscuits but a little more satisfied generally.
I'm not sure the bottle of rosé last night helped matters either. It always makes me crave sugar the next day, although I'm pretty sure I sweated out all the toxins this morning.

I'm wondering if I'll ever be able to keep packets of biscuits or bars of chocolate in the house without feeling the compulsion to eat the lot. I'm thinking not. It's not something I ever have in the house for that reason but I'd love to have a bar of dark chocolate for those cravings.

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