Monday 9 August 2010


Can't believe how long it is since I wrote an entry.

I just got back from holiday last night and this morning I weighed in at 84.5kg. I can't believe how long I've been at this weight for but happy I maintained throughout the holiday.

Sadly I've just had an epic McDonalds binge on account of the overwhelming feeling of being back at work. Sad to be back, sad at the e-mails to plough through - thankfully not pressing but numerous nonetheless - sad at the state of my bank account etc etc etc.

Feeling better for now, less panicky but assume the guilt and self-loathing is about to kick in. Am thirsty enough to drink a swimming pool to boot on account of all the salt.

Still seeing the dietician sporadically although I think she despairs of me. My only saving grace is that the weight since I've been seeing her hasn't gone back up.

Onwards and downwards as they say...