Monday 18 June 2007

No sun day

I tried to write about this last night but gave up in the end. It could have been to do with the fact that the keys on my laptop had shrunk, or my fingers had grown, however I think it was just the fact that I was too pissed to type.

Yesterday was rainy. Not much to do here when it rains. I mean nothing....except pubbage...

I managed to stay off the devil's drink, which was an achievement in itself, and just got slightly fuzzy. Not by mistake of course, which is usually the case, but very much on purpose.

I had the most unusual night with a couple of friends. For one of which I use the term 'friends' very loosely.

Without sounding like a complete cat, it's hard to try and describe the issues I have with this girl, plus sometimes they seem infinite which would take a while to document.

At times she is sweet, we get on, have a laugh. I have evenings where her company is great.
Then there are nights like last night where I am gritting my teeth and wincing with her every word leading me to boil with bad thoughts.

This town is small, it's not like I can banish her from my social occasions as we have mutual friends, but sometimes I wish I could. The way that I felt last night was tinged by white wine, yet I have a feeling it would have been easier to write about then than it is now.

I can't express how I feel the way I want to and I can't put my finger on what it is exactly that I want to express.

At this point that is as good as it gets which is quite frankly, well......rubbish.

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