Thursday 20 September 2007


So what with post weekend blues, things going tits up with the sister and the ex getting a bird..or date....or whatever, things have been pants.

Had a good night last night with lots of old friends which has improved the mood considerably.
Then at 7am this morning, my incredibly loud buzzer buzzed three times. Shouting 'WTF' and the like, I wrapped myself in a towel and opening the door to find a very good friend who now lives in the U.K. standing on my doorstep. Squinting due to lack of contact lenses and slightly hungover, I continued down the WTF path.
A total surprise and his brief stay couldn't have come at a better time.

Then a small package arrived in the post from one of my fave male mates. It was thoughtful, amusing, topical and well-timed, plus it put a huge smile on my face.

Things happen for a reason and whilst I don't believe in guardian angels as such, I definitely see it as some sort of sign.

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