Tuesday 15 May 2007

Mounting costs

After three days of missing bag, keys and ghd's, coupled with mounting parking costs and a distinct lack of transport, it was time to get proactive about the cause.

The VW garage got a visit with a request for a new car key. The initial quote of €500 to change the locks was soon replaced by €60 for a new key. Great, but it would take 10 days.

10 more days of parking charges. Oh well, I was beginning to accept the expensive outcome. Bloody baggage handlers.
They would call me when the key was ready. Smashing.

Almost as a parting comment they informed me, ''Oh, but the key won't actually start the car...''.

Fucking marvelous.

''It will open the door though...".

Joy. Not exactly what I had in mind.

I was then told that the key is programmed with an anti-theft device, so I would need to get the new key reprogrammed for a small fortune. It can't be done on site either, so I would need a tow truck to go and fetch the car, tow it 20 kilometres and reprogramme the key. All for a cost equivalent to the debt of a small African country. Crikey!

I did the only thing appropriate at the time and in a girly can't-help-it kind of way. I was very embarrassed but the eyes would not stop leaking. The shame of the girly-ness.

I trudged back to the office, trying to accept that my bank holiday weekend was going to turn out to be incredibly expensive. It's only money, I thought. Not even a brief sighting of the fit physio man who had been treating me could cheer me up as I sniffed and waved weakly.

On arrival at the office, wallowing, I got a call to say the bag had just turned up.

Things turned out OK in the end, but I am still traumatised by the whole experience.

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