Wednesday, 23 May 2007

A temporary thaw

There is this bloke.

He is obnoxious, arrogant and inconsistent in his friendliness.
He is the kind of man I would go out of my way to avoid, he would have no place in my social circle.
However, sometimes you are forced to deal with this sort, usually through work or a mutual friend. The one in question is both.

He rarely says hi, has been known to completely blank me on occasion and is generally quite rude and miserable. On the odd occasion we have socialised, he has been a condescending know-it-all with the ability to make me feel small. Perhaps he just intimidates me, I don't know, but I hate the fact that he can.
All in all, I am not a fan.

Then he turns up at a social event last weekend. Unexpectedly. After an initial out pour showing off about his weekend, he settles....and chats.

By the end of the day, I am starting to warm to him. Only starting, I might add - there is still plenty to dislike. Amongst all his rubbish characteristics are glimpses of self-deprecation and humour. He is in fact quite funny.

Not only am I starting to like him, I might even have a crush.

Fast forward to Monday at work. Back to being ignored. Standard.

However, the crush remains. Only slightly. How very dare he make me like him...

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